Microsoft Graph Login Required
If an error message stating “Microsoft Graph Login Required” appears in the bottom left hand corner of our portal. You can resolve the issue by taking the following steps.
Issue Description
The aforementioned error message appears in the bottom left hand corner of the interface.
When clicking the error message, the user is presented with a dialogue which leads to the Microsoft login. The graph login process in simply providing authentication for your Microsoft account to be used the with the suite of applications we use to deliver our service.
Proceeding through the steps may resolve the issue and prevent the pop up. If the account matches the correct tenant.
If you reach the stage to pick your account and you see the following error.
Refreshing the Tennant ID should help resolve the issue. To execute this, click the Business Settings option and select the integrations tab.
Click the “Get Tennant id” button. This should refresh the value in the tenant ID. Then click Save Changes on the Get Tennant id popup and also the integrations tab.
Now click the Dashboard navigation option and click the Microsoft Graph Login Required pop up and follow the authentication process again. This should allow you to complete the process and the popups will cease.