Performance (Speed Issues) on Broadband
Performance (Speed Issues) - the user is not getting the speed expected
- If a connection speed is not performing as expected check to see if the customer is using the service as a wireless or wired service
- Internal interference can slow down a wireless connection
Things to check
Speed Test perform this speed test with a PC connected to the router from a LAN port with an Ethernet patch cable. You should disconnect any other devices from the router and turn wireless off to get a true measure of the speed. If a test is conducted whilst other devices are in use the speed test will only provide a measure of the bandwidth available to the individual device not the connection overall. Please include the results of the speed test on your fault ticket if possible a speed test will help.
Issue onsite
The vast majority of speed issues are attributed to issues with devices onsite saturating the bandwidth one device is taking up all the bandwidth giving other users the impression of slow speed. Ensure the test is conducted with only one device connected to establish this as you can compare this to the customers speed when all devices are connected. Some routers allow you to see what individual devices are using.
Noisy Line
If the copper line has noise on it this can cause the broadband to drop. You can ask the customer to perform a quiet line test by calling 17070, you should do this using the NTE5 test socket as per the Faulty Internal Wiring section.
Faulty Internal Wiring
Ensure customer wiring is not the issue by testing the master socket. Please bear in mind after changing the router/filter, cables etc you will need to leave a period of time to monitor we recommend at least 24hrs to ensure fault is resolved or not.