Process for logging WLR faults
Resellers have access to log faults directly this is much quicker than using our system as there is no 2 hour delay and all updates will be proactively sent to you. You can use the following instructions or call 0161 925 1530 select option 3 and speak to a member of the team.
To do this please access the URL
From here you can search for the affected number and then scroll to the bottom of the screen and select “Log an incident”

Enter the contact details for the person at site the primary contact must be someone onsite that can provide access

Next select the relevant information from the drop downs as shown the symptom is important and this indicates the type of issue the customer has with the line. This may also dictate the type of test the system runs and can lead to the fault progressing incorrectly.
The summary and notes are for this system only and this information is not sent to Openreach

Line and installation details - next the system will retrieve details of the line and confirm this is owned by our system on the Openreach system
Fault Details the structured query code again important and this indicates the type of issue the customer has with the line. This may also dictate the type of test the system runs and can lead to the fault progressing incorrectly.
The fault notes here do go to Openreach so please include any relevant information for them

Next you can run a line test the results will advise you if system indicates any issues

Time related Charges
Here you can preauthorise the engineer to carry out work onsite which has a cost associated if you require. For example if the customer has some faulty internal wiring the engineer can replace it but charges will apply for their time and materials.
Service Maintenance levels
This will give you an indication of when Openreach should be fixing the fault if the customer urgently needs the line fixing you can expedite for a one off charge to get the line fixed quicker

Next you can select an appointment for the engineer to visit site
You can then provide any specific information about accessing site and hazards if there are any and if the customer requires a divert implement this.

You can then provide any specific information about accessing site and hazards if there are any and if the customer requires a divert implement this.
Finally click save and submit and the fault has been logged you will receive proactive emails as soon as information becomes available