NS700 Alllog File and DFSYS file capture
NS700 Alllog File and DFSYS file capture
Go into Maintenance (Hammer symbol)
UTILITY > 2.File > 2.File Transfer PBX to PC and find the DFSYS file
Highlight the DFSYS file and press the Transfer Button
Choose “Save File” and save to PC.
Alllog File
Go into Maintenance (Hammer symbol)
UTILITY > 3.Log > 2.SysLog
Click the Save button (bottom of page that comes up).
Choose “Save File” and save to PC.
It will save as Alllogxxxxxx.xxxxxx.zip (where xxxxx is a date and time stamp)
Alllog zip file password
When downloading the Alllog zip file from the latest version V7 on the NS700 / NS1000, when you try and unzip the Alllog to extract the DFSYS file, it asks for a password.
The password is NSX_123456