REIN & SHINE - Radio Interference on Broadband connections
What is REIN & SHINE?
Repetitive Electrical Impulse Noise (REIN) and Single Isolated Impulse Noise (SHINE) is interference found on a Broadband connection and is caused by electrical impulses from such electrical items as a faulty power supply which can result in line errors, slow speed and even disconnections. Usually, power sources and Broadband connection can co-inside happily. SHINE happens in a burst (i.e. when a device is switched off), whereas REIN is constant throughout a devices usage.
Whilst all electrical equipment will generate some "noise", it should comply with the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directives, thus avoiding disturbance by radio and telecommunications equipment, though some equipment may be old, foreign or faulty.
Please Note - REIN and SHINE faults can be complicated and can take months to resolve. In extreme cases, the cause cannot be eliminated.
How do I look for a REIN or SHINE fault?
Diagnosing REIN or SHINE faults can be complicated. It is the End User who would diagnose these faults and it is simply a process of elimination. You should get an AM/MW radio and set it to 612KHz. If you place the radio next to your modem/router, you'll hear the Broadband signal. If you then place the radio next to another power source, such as an LCD monitor, you'll hear a distinct sound and such fade out as you move it away. By using the radio, you may be able to see where the noise is coming from and switch off that power source and then retest your Broadband connection.
Please Note - Not all noise you may hear will affect your Broadband connection, this is just to help you find the potential cause.
Typical REIN and SHINE Causes
- Faulty Power Adapters
- Christmas tree lights
- Thermostats (central heating etc)
- Railway cables
- Electric fences / motors
- Street lighting
- Laptops / TVs / Set top boxes for Sky, Virgin, Freeview etc.
- Roadworks
- Florescent lights
Please Note – This list is not exhaustive there may be other causes of the issue not listed above.